Sunday 6 June 2010

Garden birds

wrenNormally it is quite rare or me to spot a wren in the garden, but today there was one hopping around and singing loudly. Eventually I spotted that it was building a nest in one of the nest boxes in the garden.

As usual, there were several goldfinches attracted by the niger seeds, and lots of house sparrows on the other feeders. A solitary greenfinch, another of the rarer visitors to our garden, was feeding on the peanuts.

There are often wood pigeons and collared doves in the garden, but today there was also a pair of feral pigeons. I don't think I've ever seen feral pigeons in our garden before.

Some of the blackbirds in the garden seem quite tame. They'll spot when I'm doing some gardening and come over in the hope that I'll unearth a worm or some other invertebrate for them to feed on. I don't know if any blackbirds are nesting in the garden presently, one did build a nest but it appears to have been left unoccupied.
Having said greenfinches are a rare visitor to our garden, five have just visited the feeders, joining the goldfinches at the niger seeds and the sparrows on the other feeders, as well as feeding on the peanuts.

There was also a jackdaw eating seed from the bird table, and a coal tit has been making frequent visits to one of the bird feeders.

coal tit

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